Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Loop Road plans advance

 Today the (LTN)  posted a notice of an open house hosted by the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) on Dec.13 from 4-6 pm at Harvey's Emerald Bay B  Room. The TTD will be presenting the top Loop Road alternatives that resulted from two fairly recent public workshops.

This process is very important as the Loop Road / Hole issue present us with the most significant opportunity to plan and undertake a massive redevelopment project that is vital to updating the dated bed base portion of town that currently sports an almost 11 acre hole where a failed project has left a fenced off concrete forest.  It is absolutely VITAL for us to move forward with this project as the tourism model of the 21st century demands better facilities that are in harmony with their surroundings. We don't currently meet that standard and will continue to "lurch from crisis to crisis instead of recognizing the opportunities and challenges of the future"  as voiced by futurist Alvin Toffler.. Some other favorite Toffler quotes:

"Idea-assassins rush forward to kill any new suggestion on the grounds of its impracticality, while defending whatever now exists as practical, no matter how absurd."
"Knowledge is the most democratic source of power."
"Knowledge is promiscuous. It mates and gives birth to more knowledge."

 I feel very strongly that a community sourced and honed plan to reinvent the area between Mt. Bleu / Horizon on the NV. side and  roughly between Pioneer  Trail / Hwy. 50 and Ski Run Blvd. /Hwy. 50. in CA. will benefit the lake, the economy on both sides of the stateline, the community and our future.

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